A brief explanation about Hijab

Responding the article which has been published at Kyungnam Times at winter edition last year, I am interested to explain more about Hijab. On that article, it was explained that Hijab is a conservative clothe and put parallel with the other examples of conservative tradition.
Hijab is the modern word for a practice of dressing modestly, which all practicing Muslims past the age of puberty are instructed to do as mentioned (or according) to the Holy Book of Al Qur’an. With the main function is to give higher respect to women  and for the basic requirements are that when in the presence of someone of the opposite sex other than a “close family member” (Mahram),  a woman should cover her body, and walk and dress in a way which does not draw sexual attention to her, and that a man should be covered from at least the navel to the knees, and similarly not wear figure-hugging clothes that draw sexual attention to him.
Generally, drawing sexual attention is only allowed for married couples—where it is highly encouraged—and they do not need to cover any part of their body in each other’s presence (other Mahrams should hide at least their sexual organs from each other). Thus, I ‘ll  ? It is claimed that Hijab strengthens the family and therefore improves the children’s mental health.
Some people think that it is difficult to wear Hijab in Korea, especially in summer season. Despite of this, I just want to convince to all of you and especially to myself that, it’s really no problem at all, just put ourselves as the some situation which is a habit for us,. This for example, eating Kimchi everyday and anytime. If wearing hijab has become our habit, we will feel easy to wear hijab anytime and anywhere. In addition, Women are not required to wear Hijab all day long. In side a house where there is only husband, father in law, close family or other Mahram, women are not required to wear Hijab.
In the Islamic law (sharia)”in the case of necessity, for example for saving lives or avoiding severe hardship, Hijab rules are waived”.
The way in which Muslims who practice Hijab interpret the stated rules varies from country to country and even individual to individual.
Nowadays, Hijab is famous as a fashion style in several countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, Arabia, Turkey, even in France and America. Any kinds of Hijab style has started to grow up, even it has been mushrooming and become a good opportunity for business. It is same with any other fashion style, such as casual dress, formal dress, and even wedding dress. Some pictures below shows you some of new Hijab trends.
So, it’s not true that Hijab is a conservative or even an old tradition. Hijab is one style for a women Muslim for dressing.
Thus, for Korea as one of developed countries, and also for each of country that will face globalization period, knowing various trend of culture is inevitable. We have to appreciate differences and respect one another. Although there are many people who live in Korea from various cultural backgrounf, we have to treat every one as the same. Neither by criticize nor respond negatively, but only for asking the explanation of the differences itself.
*sent to kyungnam times, but refused :p
perhaps because it contains too many promotion about hijab

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